Sister Michaeline Ryan, ASC
Sister Michaeline Ryan, ASC, of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, Ruma Center, Ruma, IL died peacefully June 30, 2022. She was 90 years old and had been professed for 62 years.
In memory
We remember our sisters who have died.
Sister Michaeline Ryan, ASC, of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, Ruma Center, Ruma, IL died peacefully June 30, 2022. She was 90 years old and had been professed for 62 years.
Sister Anacleta Schuette, ASC entered into eternal life, on Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 11:08 a.m. in Caritas Center, in Wichita, Kansas. She was 96 years old and a professed Adorer of the Blood of Christ for 72 years.
Sister Cleta Marie Reineberg, ASC, of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, died peacefully at 6:50 a.m., EST, on Saturday, February 5, 2022, at St. Anne’s Retirement Community in Columbia, PA. She was 96 years old and had been professed for 76 years.
Sister Carmelita Blick, ASC entered into eternal life, on January 27, 2022, at 8: 55 a.m. in Caritas Center, in Wichita, Kansas. She was 100 years old and a professed Adorer of the Blood of Christ for 83 years.
December 7, 2021 Sister Celeste Odorizzi, ASC, died peacefully at the Ruma Center at 8:50 p.m. on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. Born on November 10,… Read More »Sister Celeste Odorizzi, ASC
Sister Georgia Kampwerth, ASC, died Tuesday, October 26, 2021, at the Ruma Center. She was 88 years old and had been a professed member of the… Read More »Sister Georgia Kampwerth, ASC
Sister Bernita Marie Leiker, ASC, a Kansas native who ministered in Brazil for 44 years, died May 19, 2021, at Caritas Center, in Wichita, Kansas. She was 97 years old, and had been a professed Adorer of the Blood of Christ for 80 years.
Sister Leona Riebel, ASC died Friday, April 30, 2021, at Caritas Center in Wichita, Kansas, five days after the passing of her younger sibling, Sister Barbara Riebel, also an Adorer. Sister Leona was 103 years old and had been a professed Adorer of the Blood of Christ for 85 years. She was one of four Riebel siblings who became Adorers.
Sister Barbara Riebel, ASC died on April 25, 2021 at Caritas Center in Wichita, Kansas. She was 97 years old and had been a professed… Read More »Sister Barbara Riebel, ASC
Sister Charlotte Rohrbach, ASC, who was still serving her beloved Newman University after 42 years there, died Sunday, March 21, after a brief illness. She… Read More »Sister Charlotte Rohrbach, ASC
Sister Imelda Rose Hammeke, an Adorer of the Blood of Christ for 71 years, died February 6, 2021 at the Wichita Center. She was 90 years old
Sister Stephanie Mertens, ASC died on January 7, 2021 after a lifetime of teaching and social justice activism and advocacy.