Is Time Truly Relative?
Why and what makes us perceive time differently from situation to situation? I have been thinking about some current things in my life. I don’t… Read More »Is Time Truly Relative?
We find inspiration and God in our ministry, mission, and even the smallest moments in our day. Here we share our stories, prayers, and reflections on everything happening in our lives.
Why and what makes us perceive time differently from situation to situation? I have been thinking about some current things in my life. I don’t… Read More »Is Time Truly Relative?
We’re losing our home Separated from our family Walking into the unknown Heart bleeding Sounds of war Some fresh, some old Our land Our land… Read More »FROM RUMA TO UKRAINE
Last October a small group of Adorers began a class in ASL I (American Sign Language) with Melissa Feil, one of the excellent teachers from… Read More »What is this Finger Exercise?
By: Sister Mary Catherine Clark, ASC One of Fr. Joe Nassal’s popular prayers is “Psalm of the Edge” and over recent years, we have used… Read More »Take us to the Edge
The Wichita Small Grants Committee approved a $250 grant to the Literate Ladies Book Club to purchase books for the Juvenile Detention Facility (JDF) in Wichita, KS. Over 200 books were provided and local bookstores gave a discount because of the association with the Adorers.
Kelly Mai, an ASC Scholar senior at Newman, is an outstanding young woman who is making a difference and will make a difference in society. The ASC Scholarship program is a memorial to our five ASC Martyrs of Charity. The ASC Scholars are selected after personal interviews and they are required to do 45 hours of service each semester with not-for-profits.
Often as we turn the page to a new year we take time to reflect on the previous year. What a wonderful way to move us into new space, new opportunities, or possibly even a new reality for ourselves.
Thousands of tons of metal, plastic and rubber Racing down the highway A river of minerals, metals and atoms Keep in the lines Mind the… Read More »TONS OF METAL
The Adorers of the Blood of Christ, United States Region, are partnering with the Missionaries of the Precious Blood in the United States and the Sisters of the Precious Blood in Dayton, Ohio, to create the Precious Blood Spirituality Institute (PBSI).
Since the beginning of humanity, silence has had a special language of its own. In the Garden of Eden, Genesis tells us that God walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening.
Many of us volunteer for…for food pantries, for immigrants and refugees, for justice organizations…for a myriad of good and worthy causes. There are people in need who require attention and care and respect. Consider also with whom you volunteer.
We Adorers had built the original St. Clement in 1900, which we owned and ran. In December 1971, with the help of fundraising partners, we opened the new St. Clement Hospital.