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Lori Benge, Vocations Director

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Lori Benge, Vocations Director

Lori is our Vocations Director and dedicates her time to helping men and women journey toward self-discovery and find a place with our ASC Family.

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Lori Benge, Vocations Director

Lori is our Vocations Director and dedicates her time to helping men and women journey toward self-discovery and find a place with our ASC Family.

2022 or 2020 too?

Often as we turn the page to a new year we take time to reflect on the previous year.  What a wonderful way to move us into new space, new opportunities, or possibly even a new reality for ourselves. 

Finding Faith in the Wait

Advent often reminds us that we are in a season of waiting and preparing. It is a wonderful state to be in if we know what we are waiting for. What have you discovered about yourself this year? How has that prepared you for your future?