Deeper Love
DEEPER LOVE Valentine’s Day is often seen as a celebration of romantic love, but at its core, it is an invitation to reflect on the… Read More »Deeper Love
Lori is our Vocations Director and dedicates her time to helping men and women journey toward self-discovery and find a place with our ASC Family.
Lori is our Vocations Director and dedicates her time to helping men and women journey toward self-discovery and find a place with our ASC Family.
DEEPER LOVE Valentine’s Day is often seen as a celebration of romantic love, but at its core, it is an invitation to reflect on the… Read More »Deeper Love
The world needs peace, love and stability. It begins with ourselves. As we close out the month of the Rosary, the Adorers are offering another… Read More »The Holy Rosary, Week 2
The Catholic Church dedicates the month of October to the Holy Rosary primarily because the liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated… Read More »The Holy Rosary
When you listen to music, even if you don’t sing or dance, you probably find yourself tapping your foot, humming along, or just appreciating the music. … Read More »One Step to Dancing
by Lori Benge, Ministry of Vocations Director, U. S. Region To wait or to anticipate are often used interchangeably but should they be? During this… Read More »To Wait or to Anticipate?
Why and what makes us perceive time differently from situation to situation? I have been thinking about some current things in my life. I don’t… Read More »Is Time Truly Relative?
Often as we turn the page to a new year we take time to reflect on the previous year. What a wonderful way to move us into new space, new opportunities, or possibly even a new reality for ourselves.
Have you ever thought about rocks teaching us a lesson? Even though rocks can’t rationally think or process emotions we can learn a lot from them. I am often amazed at how they can balance on each other with a sense of trust.
Why does darkness cause anxiety? Is it the feeling of the unknown? Is it a reaction to not being in control? In the dark, we… Read More »Darkness into the Light
Lent is Love – February 21, 2021 Does it ever seem like days just blend into the next day and before we know it weeks… Read More »Lent is Love
After coming out of a beautiful, quiet, reflective time of finding faith in the waiting and preparing during Advent, we face the excitement and busyness… Read More »How Baptism Calls Us Forward
Advent often reminds us that we are in a season of waiting and preparing. It is a wonderful state to be in if we know what we are waiting for. What have you discovered about yourself this year? How has that prepared you for your future?