7 Hopes for 2021
As Adorers, and in the legacy of our founders St. Maria De Mattias, our primary focus has been and will always be serving our ‘dear… Read More »7 Hopes for 2021
We find inspiration and God in our ministry, mission, and even the smallest moments in our day. Here we share our stories, prayers, and reflections on everything happening in our lives.
As Adorers, and in the legacy of our founders St. Maria De Mattias, our primary focus has been and will always be serving our ‘dear… Read More »7 Hopes for 2021
After coming out of a beautiful, quiet, reflective time of finding faith in the waiting and preparing during Advent, we face the excitement and busyness… Read More »How Baptism Calls Us Forward
Life will never go back to the way it was before. We may go back to some activities, but we will be different people. Who we are, how we relate, what is important, what we hope for, and how we think about things have all changed. Here are 5 Things I Hope for 2021.
Advent often reminds us that we are in a season of waiting and preparing. It is a wonderful state to be in if we know what we are waiting for. What have you discovered about yourself this year? How has that prepared you for your future?
We, the Adorers of the US Region, strive to advocate, educate and act to embody the vision and values of St. Maria de Mattias’ charism and spirituality.
This week is National Vocations Awareness Week and I’ve been talking a lot about following your call, even when it’s scary or unknown. Making decisions can nearly paralyze you with fear. What if you’re supposed to be doing something else? What if your friends and family don’t support you? What if you fail.
Change is inevitable. We hear that all the time. In every facets of our lives, if we are going to make way for something new, something else has to change. Like the leaves, we have to stop pouring energy into parts of our lives that need to fall away.
Wichita, Kansas — The Newman University Board of Trustees has named Kathleen S. Jagger, Ph.D., MPH, the 12th president of Newman University effective July 1, 2020.… Read More »Kathleen S. Jagger named 12th president of Newman University
A new year, a new decade awaits us. More than at any time of the year, we usually pause to make intentions of how we… Read More »Beginning 2020
The shepherds of the Christmas story have always fascinated me. I lived on a farm and liked to be outside, so I knew that one… Read More »Shepherds Among Us
Every second Thursday of the month, a handful of cheerful church volunteers gathers at a local laundromat that doubles as the “Church of the Suds… Read More »It’s More Than a Laundromat
Background: The Adorers of the Blood of Christ have had a mission in the Andean nation of Bolivia since 1973. Sister Anitawa (Ann) Fearday, from… Read More »The Dawning of a Brighter Day in Bolivia