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Seven Layers Deeper

 Sister Barbara Hudock

By Sister Barbara Hudock, ASC

In reading the signs of the times, I hear the challenge and call to diversity, inviting diversity into our lives, accepting diversity, working with diversity. 

We are all connected in life, but we are not all the same.  Our lives might be easier when we decide to be with people whom we believe are like us. 

And while adding diversity to our lives can be enriching, it also can make life more complicated, more of a challenge to handle. 

Let me add here an Irish word, Teannalach. This is a new word and concept for me. What is Teannalach?

The farmer explains, “I live beside the lake. And you always hear the ripple of the waters and the sound of wind on the water; everyone hears. However, on certain summer days when the lake is absolutely still and everything is silent, I can hear how the elements and the surface of the lake make magical music together.” 

The farmer’s neighbor explains, “Oh, yes, they have that word up there. I’ve never seen it written down, so it’s hard to say what it means. I suppose it means awareness, but in truth it is about seven layers deeper.”

Inviting diversity into our lives might just call us to go seven layers deeper. I’m often happy with the fact that I choose to go deeper in thoughts and situations and not just live on the surface of life. 

But seven layers deeper? 

Is this something our world needs us to do to experience the beauty of life together?

Times of silence and deep awareness might help us deal with the complexities of diversity and enhance the rich possibilities that surround us.

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