Travels in Black History
While some dreams take me to Europe or South America, there is a lot I want to see in the U.S., museums among them. Museums about Black history and justice, in general, are at the top of my list.
We find inspiration and God in our ministry, mission, and even the smallest moments in our day. Here we share our stories, prayers, and reflections on everything happening in our lives.
While some dreams take me to Europe or South America, there is a lot I want to see in the U.S., museums among them. Museums about Black history and justice, in general, are at the top of my list.
You probably have felt the same way if you are honest. Haven’t we all been in Lent since the lockdown of March 2020? Some say, “Well, what is another 40 days” to the sacrifices already experienced in the Covid-19 pandemic?
Lent is Love – February 21, 2021 Does it ever seem like days just blend into the next day and before we know it weeks… Read More »Lent is Love
By Sister JoAnn Mark, ASC We are well into 2021, but I am still thinking about last year’s lingering lessons about peace and justice. What… Read More »What 2020 Taught Me About Peace and Justice
The ritual of receiving ashes at the beginning of Lent reminds us that we are not alone as we make our way through the next 40 days,
In an age and culture that value individualism, is there room for human fraternity and solidarity? Last Fall, Pope Francis challenged us to work for… Read More »Pope Francis’ Guide for Achieving the Common Good
Her name is Ruby Bridges, in full Ruby Nell Bridges, in marriage Ruby Bridges-Hall. Perhaps few remember her name, but when her actions are recounted,… Read More »Her Name is Ruby Bridges
Amanda Gorman, the 22-year-old American poet and activist from Los Angeles, captured the hearts of many of us when she delivered her poem, “The Hill… Read More »Amanda Gorman’s Inaugural Poem and What It Stirs in Me
Star of wonder, star of night, calling me to awe! Like the yin and yang, inviting the other to passion and growth, Light and darkness… Read More »Stellar Support: A Reflection on Insurrection
As the first of the Covid vaccines roll out, we feel relief, hope and a strong desire to return to the normalcy of the lives… Read More »Covid Vaccine: A New Year’s Present for the World
The Adorers of the Blood of Christ will cede sponsorship of St. Joseph’s Villa and Court to the Villa’s board of directors on March 1.
Like many others, you may find that you tend to hold on to a negative experience long after the fact. In his book, Hardwiring Happiness, psychologist Rick Hanson… Read More »Where to Look for Good Things (Even During a Pandemic)