Described as the Angel of Altamira, Serafina Cinque was an Adorer who lived with strength and compassion, bringing God’s love to all lives she crossed. Her unique and troubled family history makes her holiness all the more outstanding.
Written by Irma Marilia Menezes. Reconfigured and expanded by USA ASC Resource Committee Members: Sister Loretta Gegen, ASC, Sister Emmanuel Palus, ASC and Sister Angelita Myerscough, ASC.
©1999 International Center of ASC Spirituality – Adorers of the Blood of Christ
Profile Excerpt
The truth is that, at some point in time, the Cinque and Di Benedetto families were bitterly at odds with each other. Sarah Di Benedetto had married Vincent Cinque. Soon blood ran. Eventually and happily the two families managed to settle their difficulties. Research made by the Cinque family at the Italian embassy in Brazil did not clarify this shady past. Family members were interviewed, but the only information they were able to give was what they knew from Sister (Irma) Leonilda, a descendant of the Cinques and a religious Sister living in St. Louis, Missouri. When notified about receiving part of the family inheritance, she had replied: “I don’t even want to see it because this money has a price of blood. “