This biography of Mother Julitta Llsen unfolds along the lines of an adventure story where courageous people face situations well beyond the normal limits and win the high stakes that everyone would have said were unattainable.
Those who read the human and spiritual adventure of Mother Julitta are struck by this woman’s faith. Julitta had to have seen many daily miracles in the Amazon rain forest of Brazil and rejoiced in them with great wonder.
Julitta stands out from among the many women crowding around her in the background. It seems you can hear the festive voices and see the smiling faces of these Adorers crowding around her – of those who lived this adventure with her and those who have lived after her. And it is an adventure that still continues today, among struggles, hard work, dreams and daily miracles.
Written by Sister Loretta Gegen, ASC. Reviewed and critiqued by Sisters Loretta Gegen, ASC, Angelita Myerscough, ASC, Emmanuel Palus, ASC, Charlotte Rohrbach, ASC and Regina Siegfried, ASC
© 2007 International Center of ASC Spirituality – Adorers of the Blood of Christ
Profile Excerpt
The mighty Amazon River in northern Brazil has had a way of luring adventurous and courageous people to its shores throughout the years. The reasons for their going have been as varied as the individuals who followed their dreams to go there. Perhaps the common surprises for all of them were the beauties of the area and the happiness of the people who eked out their simple living with what they could find in the forest and in the river.
Such were among the many surprises experienced by the tiny bundle of joy born of Nicholas and Anna Elsen in Colwich, Kansas, on April 19, 1902. The Amazon experiences, however, were forty-five years in the future for little Pauline. She would first experience all those things that made her the strong person she was and prepared her for her life along the Amazon River.