In October of 1992, five U.S. Adorer missionaries in Liberia were murdered in that nation’s civil war. Sisters Barbara Ann Muttra, Shirley Kolmer, Mary Joel Kolmer, Agnes Mueller, and Kathleen McGuire are remembered today globally as the Martyrs of Charity. Within the community, they are still remembered as sisters and friends.
Written by Sister Marie Clare Boehmer, ASC
©Copyright 1994, 2012 by Adorers of the Blood of Christ
First Printing 1994; 20th Anniversary Edition Printing 2012
This book is a memorial to five of my Sisters who were martyred as they shared the griefs and joys of the people of Liberia, West Africa. It began first as a response to my own shock, then as a way of preserving their stories and the story of their community as it responded to their deaths. Finally, it has become this book.
As the work progressed, I realized that the message that the Sisters’ lives and works convey is one not only for us, their community members, but for the world. More than that, the message is one that all of us who take seriously our profession to be Christians live out each day of our lives.