The journey of Hermina Gantert, a pioneer in Bosnia, was full of challenges and difficulties. Her and her followers’ German cultural roots clash with the intense heritage, customs, practices, religious beliefs and philosophy of life of the ancient Ottoman Empire, which existed for 600 years.
This woman navigated many cultural changes and became an important leader in international Adorer history.
Original Test by Inez Kezic’, ASC. Translated and edited from Italian by Loretta Gegen, ASC. Critiqued by Angelita Myerscough ASC and Emmanuel Palus, ASC, Members of the ASC Resource Committee of the United States.
© 2000 International Center of ASC Spirituality – Adorers of the Blood of Christ
Profile Excerpt
In addition to her worries about their material insecurity, Sister Hermina was also sensitive to the political situation that had caused such great difficulties for the Sisters during the recent persecutions. She also did not feel secure in directing, developing, and setting in motion the apostolic work of the Sisters. She likewise found it difficult to discern and carry on the work of accepting new members who were suited to the vision of Precious Blood spirituality and ministry. In spite of her insecurity, she did not allow herself to become depressed by the difficult circumstances she faced.