Sister Leona Hunter, ASC celebrated 65 years as a vowed member of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ (ASC) on August 222, 2022 at St. Anne’s Retirement Community in Columbia, PA. Sr. Leona made her first profession on July 1, 1957 and her final vows on July 1, 1962. She marked her anniversary with a Mass at St. Anne’s and joined the ASC community for a festive meal.
Sr. Leona was born in Chambersburg, PA. to Edmund and Agnes Hunter. She earned her bachelor’s in Education from Carlow College in Pittsburg, PA. in 1972, and her master’s in Education from Purdue University in Hammond, IN. in 1978. She held an Elementary Teachers Certificate in Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina and Georgia. She held a master’s certificate for Catholic elementary schools in the diocese of Youngstown, Ohio, and she was certified in the Educator Computer Literacy Series.
Sister Leona served in elementary education in several states for almost 50 years. Her final place of ministry was Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School in Niles, Ohio where she taught for 24 years. In addition to teaching, she served as the organist in parishes for almost 20 years. She taught music and organized the Children’s choir as part of her ministry. She taught in the Religious Education program for parishes in Missouri, Georgia, North Carolina and New York. She extended this ministry to children on the Marine Base in Albany, Georgia.
Since her retirement from full-time classroom teaching, Sr. Leona has served as Assistant to the Coordinator of St. Anne’s Retirement Community in Columbia, PA.