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Sister Bernadine (Joseph Mary) Wessel, ASC

 Adorers of the Blood of Christ

Sister Bernadine (Joseph Mary) Wessel, ASC, celebrated 65 years as an Adorer of the Blood of Christ at the Wichita Center on May 12, 2024. She marked her anniversary with the Eucharist and a meal with the ASC community. She made her first profession on July 1, 1959, and her final vows on July 1, 1964.

Sister Bernadine was born in Oakley, KS, one of 11 children in the family of Joseph and Mary Wessel.  Her family attended St. Paul Parish in Angelus, KS. She received her bachelor’s degree in education from Sacred Heart College, now Newman University, in 1963, and her master’s in religious education from St. Mary University in San Antonio, TX in 1975.

Her first ministry was as an elementary teacher, focusing on the intermediate grades. She served at St. Edward School in Carlsbad, NM, and at the following schools in Kansas: St. Joseph in Ellinwood, St. James in Augusta, St. Ann and All Saints in Wichita, and St. Joseph in Humbolt.

For the next several years she ministered in Religious Education at seven parishes in Fort Morgan, CO, at San Jose in Carlsbad, and at St. Joseph in Ost, KS. She then joined the Formation Team at the Wichita Center.

Following a year of orientation in Kalamazoo, MI, she began her 35-year-ministry in Massan, Korea. She continued to study the language while doing various duties and teaching English to members of the Korean Foundation. She developed the ASC Corporate Ministry in Massan, served as Director of the Catholic Social Center, and taught English at Kyong Nam University and Pusan University. She directed the young, professed sisters and continued to teach English. For several years her classroom was Blessed Mother Kindergarten in Massan. She served as Central House Coordinator, Foundation Secretary, and teacher at the Multicultural Center.

Sister Bernadine returned to the Wichita Center in 2013 where she served as Pastoral Assistant in the Caritas Wing and Decorator of the Center’s Chapel. She is currently Living Mission in Later Life at the Wichita Center.

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