By Sr. Diana Rawlings, ASC
There is a group in Wichita making great use of our empty, full-size sewing room at the Wichita Center for a project that directly aids girls in countries that are “the poorest-of-the-poor” because God hears the cry of the poor.
The sewing group, St. V, contacted Sr. Diane Tenbrink about needing space to sew specifically designed dresses for girls in other countries. They meet two times a month with their mission of “we are making God’s best dress.” While sewing they are mindful that this dress may be the ONLY dress they EVER have. They are also mindful than in some countries, girls are considered “less than human.” These ladies want the girls to know they have dignity and are “worthy” of having a beautiful dress.

For more information about this project contact Lisa Bellecci at
Displaying their work is Linda Scheck, Donna Oestmann, (Sr. Diane Tenbrink), Mary Patton, and Lisa Bellecci.
Dress a Girl Around the World label is sewn onto each dress as a way to help identify any girl who may be in a violent situation or exploitation.