Four biological sisters joined the Adorers in the early years of the congregation. They became important companions to St. Maria De Mattias, foundress of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ.
The interesting chronicle of these “sister sisters” tells of their shortcomings, their acts of heroism, and their contribution to the community. This is a real look into the early years of the congregation.
Written by Michele Colagiovanni. English translation and editing by Angelita Myerscough, ASC, with critiquing by Emmanuel Palus, ASC, and Loretta Gegen, ASC.
Profile Excerpt
It is difficult to say whether the eldest daughter of Joachim De Sanctis was contemplative or active. Certainly she was an evangelist, as she had felt she had to be to respond to the call, to the voice of Jesus’ blood. Abel’s blood had cried out from the earth where it was spilled, in a cry of lament for what had been done. Abel’s was Blood shed without benefit to anyone at all. In contrast, the Blood of Christ was shed for the salvation of the whole world.
Far more powerfully and with greater reason did the Blood of Jesus cry out for mercy and pardon. Teresa De Sanctis listened with passionate love to that voice, and all that she did was an attempt to respond. The same could be said of Carolina. One could ask, however, whether the same would be true of Rosa and Agnes. Both of them were ready to make another attempt, and then the De Sanctis sisters would be another set of “Four Evangelists”. But were Rosa and Agnes really called to this?