by Sr. Dani Brought, ASC

The Adorers added our voice and name to several letters urging President Biden to commute the death sentences of those on the federal death row. On December 23, President Biden did so, saving the lives of 37 individuals. His merciful decision upholds the cause for human dignity and shines a light of hope against the darkness of capital punishment.
Ruben Garcia, advocate for social justice and founder/director of Annunciation House that has addressed the urgent needs of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border for over 40 years, gave a series of talks in the St. Louis area. Sisters Kristen Forgotch and Michelle Woodruff attended the keynote address “Migration and the Catholic Call in a Divided World” at St. Louis University. At another talk, Sr. BJ Franklin joined with the CSJ sisters as Ruben shared remarks on justice and the Catholic response to migration, including an update on the ongoing legal struggle of Annunciation House.
Recently, Srs. Kris Schrader and Regina Siegfried were guests of the Incarnate Word Foundation at a luncheon for people and organizations who work with immigrants and refugees. Housing Immigrant Families, a new venture for several St. Louis Coalition members, provides a comprehensive set of services for unhoused and underhoused immigrants, refugees, and families.
Sisters Joan Hornick and Dani Brought joined with about 100 other peace seekers on the 65th annual Christmas Peace Pilgrimage from Nazareth to Bethlehem, PA. It was a beautiful day of community and peace as some walked the 10 miles and some took short rides with the “shepherds” who drove between the different gathering points. Prayer, hot chocolate, a simple supper, and singing added to the day with a great group of persons seeking a more peaceful world.