After coming out of a beautiful, quiet, reflective time of finding faith in the waiting and preparing during Advent, we face the excitement and busyness of the liturgical Christmas season.
Jesus has been born, distinguished visitors from the East are here, and now we’re celebrating Jesus’ baptism. All of this is happening alongside our New Year’s celebrations and resolution setting. We find ourselves making plans, making promises, looking forward, asking, “Who is it that I want to be a year from now?”
What a beautiful way to call us into action.

The call of our Baptism rings out today as we look to Jesus answering his. God is pulling us forth into ministry. He is blessing us, anointing our work, our mission.
And he only does so after revealing the Light of the World and the plan for our salvation and wholeness. The celebration of Christ’s baptism follows Christmas so we can know the work God asks of us follows the promise God has made to us.
Once we recognize that God is with us, among us, for us, then we can move forward in faith. We have work to do.
When I think about the wise men and their journey to find the Christ child, it’s easy to forget that their travels were long and difficult. They didn’t have a car or a GPS. They were following a star to an unknown place with no time schedule or real plan, just faith in God’s direction and promise.
How often do we find ourselves at this kind of crossroads? Knowing only that we want to be nearer to Jesus, but not quite sure where the path will lead.
Ask yourself:
- Where is your faith leading you?
- What have you been preparing for?
Like the wise men, your journey may not be easy or simple. It may lead you to unexpected places, to meet unexpected people. It maybe long, it may be guided only by a promise. A “star” might not be in the sky pointing you to all the right answers you need, but the Spirit is here. You need only to take the next step in faith, without the whole journey planned out or destination known.
Are you willing to take that step to follow your Baptismal call?
We all have great hopes for 2021. We have found faith this season, so now let us move into action wherever God is calling us.