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Consistent Life Ethic, Adorers of the Blood of Christ March 4, 2023

 Adorers of the Blood of Christ1 Comment


Our foundress, St. Maria De Mattias, believed deeply that Jesus poured forth his lifeblood in love, so that all may have life. Her passion for ‘our dear neighbor,’ especially included women and children. This same passion now impels each of us Adorers of the Blood of Christ of the US Region, to be a compassionate and reconciling presence according to the example of Jesus in the Gospels.

“that all may have life and have it in abundance” (John 10:10)

Adorers of the Blood of Christ, US Region

Our foundress, St. Maria De Mattias, believed deeply that Jesus poured forth his lifeblood in love, so that all may have life. Her passion for ‘our dear neighbor,’ especially included women and children. This same passion now impels each of us Adorers of the Blood of Christ of the US Region, to be a compassionate and reconciling presence according to the example of Jesus in the Gospels.

As women of faith, we Adorers promote, with intention and conviction, a consistent life ethic rooted in the Word of God in Hebrew and Christian Scriptures and in Catholic Social Teaching. In addition, our spirituality and mission as Adorers animates us to reverence the dignity of each person and all of creation as a manifestation of the Holy One who continually creates and sustains life and being. We embrace our commitment of being pro-life, in which life – all life, can flourish, as we address issues of inequality and injustice across a wide and complex spectrum of concerns. Responsive to our gift as religious women to stay in the conversation, we call for continued dialogue that moves to concrete actions/solutions on all pro-life issues.

IN SERVICE OF LIFE, We Adorers advocate and educate for social policy changes and call for the implementation of the following pro-life policies:

Support of Family Life:

  • social safety nets that allow families to thrive
  • comprehensive and affordable access to healthcare for all persons in the US
  • equal and non-discriminatory access to adequate and affordable housing
  • quality education at all levels

Support of Workers’ Life:

  • a living wage and employment practices that respect the dignity and rights of workers
  • paid family leave and affordable child-care

Support of Human Rights:

  • dismantlement of systemic racism and wealth inequalities
  • penal system reform that upholds human dignity and puts an end to the death penalty
  • responsible gun laws including outlawing assault weapons
  • gender equality and inclusion

Support of Vulnerable Life:

  • social programs that strengthen a quality life for children, people with disabilities and the elderly
  • protection, welcome and adequate resettlement assistance for refugees and immigrants
  • an end to human trafficking

Support of Creation:

  • in union with Pope Francis and the spirit of Laudato Si’, care for God’s creation which includes broad and expansive environmental justice policies and practices for the sake of our Common Home

With hearts attentive to the life-giving Gift of Jesus’ Precious Blood, we Adorers of the Blood of Christ encourage and call on all of God’s people to honor the gift of Creation and the dignity of every human person. Embracing this call affirms our commitment to a consistent life ethic as we engage in personal, communal and collaborative efforts to be a presence that is inclusive, loving and liberating so that Jesus’ Word will be more fully realized: “that all may have life and have it in abundance.” (John 10:10)

March 4, 2023

1 thought on “Consistent Life Ethic, Adorers of the Blood of Christ March 4, 2023”

  1. May our Lord and his Blessed Mother continue to bless the order and your associates. Thank you for this statement.

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