by Sr. Rose Anthony Mathews, ASC

Within the space of the last month, my heart is/was broken, and I am made aware of a quote from Tagore: “The butterfly counts not months but moments and has time enough.”
“Time is up” sounded for three of my former students in different places, in different ways at different times. Whether one was 69, 72, 70 years old, it matters not much now. Gifted with life, each encountered good times and not so good times. Life was definitely a gift and each experienced in real and varied ways the fragility of human nature along with meaningful relationships.
As their teacher in either grades 1,2,4, and/or 8, I pray that who I was for them then, enabled them, in time to seek and know a relationship with the God of their lives.
It is not so much the number of years as it is living each moment, enhancing the beauty and integrity of life with and for all we encounter however, whenever.
This month’s lesson: Enjoy the passage of time. Time is a gift. Treasure each moment. We probably all wish we had more time but what we do have, spend in service of others!
Amazingly wise Words, the last 4 known elders of my family passed this year. my Mother, Father, Grandfather and Mother in Law. I mourn so very much for my Time lost with them, regrets of words I said or didn’t say,, Hugs and love not shared.