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Tamal Regan Joins the Catholic Church

 Sister Diana Rawlings, ASC

By Sr. Diana Rawlings, ASC

Tamal, his mother Marguerite, and godparents, James Regan and Sarah Sacipriya Sibilla

God’s astonishing Spirit descended profoundly upon the faith community at the Wichita Center’s Woman of the New Covenant Chapel on May 18 when Tamal Regan experienced his Rite of initiation into the Catholic faith.

Tamal expressed his deep faith by choosing to become a member of the Catholic Church, consequently, receiving three Sacraments: Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation on Pentecost. His witness was a significantly graced moment for the sisters. For some sisters, this moment reminded them that hope and new life is all around, as our own active ministerial diminishment is embraced.

His mother, Marguerite, is an Associate Professor of English and the Director of the Teaching and Learning Center at Newman University and has been at Newman for more than 18 years. She has strong, extensive roots with the Adorers. Marguerite expressed her feelings to the sisters.

Tamal receives the lighted Baptism candle from his godparents as a sign of receiving the Light of Christ in these Sacraments. Tamale’s mother, Marguerite, looks on.

“I am so graced and blessed that my dear son made all three sacraments on Pentecost in the chapel of the sisters. Wow! Your chapel has long been a welcoming, inclusive place–dear to my heart–since I arrived at Newman 18 years ago. As for Fr. Tom, he guided Tamal who was struggling to appreciate the value of his multi-racial and multi-religious family roots, and he helped the young man to discover his chosen space of belonging in this complicated story.

“A fun fact. I heard Sanctus bells ringing at the very moment that Fr. Tom and Fr. Immanual were elevating the host and chalice. Maybe you heard them too? At first, I thought nothing of it. Then I remembered that those bells aren’t typically rung in the chapel, and I was slightly mortified to think it was my cellphone, the volume of which had to be turned up for Sr. Jenny to do the livestream.

But then I laughed in my soul to think that these “Sanctus-sounding” bells, triggered by the security camera in my backyard, had rung exactly at that moment. The wind had set off the security camera and announced its arrival, demonstrating once again that the Spirit blows where it will. Holy, Holy, Holy.

Father Tom anoints Tamal with holy oil to signify he is marked and confirmed in the Catholic which he has freely chosen.

“I thank all of the sisters for opening your house to me and my family for this most special and joyous moment in our lives.”

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