Sister Helen Kiang, along with Sister Margaret Cho, were the first non-white, non-European, non-American members of the U.S. Adorers. Natives of China, they urged the U.S. Adorers to continue their great mission work.
Same Chinese Village
Sister Helen Kiang was born Agnes Kiang-Tsue Yuin on June 25, 1912 in Kiang Kia, Wuting, Shantung, China, the same village to which the Adorers first went as missionaries to China. Helen, the daughter of Joseph Kiangtsing-djuin and Agnetis Wong, grew to love the American missionaries and was a student
in their school.
She learned from her parents how to work in the fields, cook, care for a home and make shoes and clothing.
Domestic Service
Sister Helen Kiang’s native talents and artistic skills served her well in the U.S., where she and Sister Margaret Cho settled and joined the Adorers in 1939 at the urging of Franciscan friends in China. After first vows
on July 1, 1941, Helen worked in domestic service. She also made stuffed animals that people outside the community could acquire.
She and Margaret were forced to return in 1947 to China over immigration restrictions. They resided with Franciscan Sisters of Milwaukee, hoping that the American Adorers would return to China, something that did not transpire because of the communist threat. Eventually, Helen and Margaret returned to the U.S.
The two women were brave to have left their country, culture and language and introduced another culture to U.S. Adorers.