Our priorities
As Adorers, we are called to work for the good of our neighbors and our earth. We serve directly and also work to change unjust systems.
We acknowledge the sorrows of our Black brothers and sisters, the withholding of their rights for centuries, and their continuing struggles. We join with them to build a more just future.
We stand with our Earth and its cries for healing. We are connected to the Earth and recognize the need to hold it and its inhabitants sacred.
We find God in every person. We believe we are called to recognize the dignity of all persons regardless of their nation of origin. Our spirituality reminds us that all God’s people are welcome in our hearts.
We hold that all people have inherent dignity and deserve respect, empathy, and understanding. Violence in our hearts, words, and actions works against the kingdom of God.
A healthy democracy requires our attention, time, and care. No matter where you stand, we can stand together to voice our values.
Wealth Inequality
In the Gospel of John, Jesus fed a multitude with five loaves and two fishes. The story reminds us that there is no scarcity in God’s kingdom and that all are welcome at the feast.

Where we stand
Our spirituality calls us to speak up about issues in our world. You can read some of our stances below.

“The Adorers of the Blood of Christ in Pennsylvania put a chapel right there where the Atlantic Sunrise gas pipeline would come through in order to block the pipeline. This is literally putting your faith on the line, a beautiful example of how Catholics are standing up and reminding us what green stands for. To stand up, to rise up and to grow.”
Yeb Saño, Executive Director of Greenpeace Southeast Asia
Who We’re Learning From
The Adorers of the Blood of Christ are committed to education and continued growth. Please use the below resources, as we do, to learn more about justice, peace, and integrity of creation.