By Sr. Dani Brought, ASC
• Starting off the 2024 series of sharing JPIC bits around the Region…JPIC stands for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, an international movement that had emerged from the Second Vatican Council. For us, as ASC Family, JPIC is not just about activities but is an emphasis meant to permeate our encounters, decisions, prayer, and lifestyle. And in our newly received 2023 GA acts “We affirm that the values of justice, peace, and integrity of creation are part of our spirituality.”

• During a layover on her train ride back from Washington DC, Sr. Nylas Moser had the opportunity to visit the Climate Action Museum, within walking distance from Union Station in Chicago. Nylas was happily surprised with the small museum and recommends a visit if you find yourself in Chicago.
• Trying to reduce your use of ‘saran’ plastic wrap? Sister Patty Owens and Sr. Joan Weiler had a show and tell at the recent Response to Climate Change focus group meeting and shared with us about reusable beeswax food wraps. Both say they are easy to use, easy to clean and easy to reuse, and they last a long time helping out our environment.
• Through a formal program of the Literacy Council of Lancaster, Sr. Margaret Washington is teaching English classes to a young immigrant from Peru. They meet twice a week on Zoom and in addition to being proud of the fast progress of her student, Margaret says this is a great way for someone in retirement to continue to be of service and respond to the needs of immigrants, our “dear neighbor.”
• At the request of the sisters at the Wichita Center, the JPIC committee happily carried out for another year the Kwanzaa celebration, honoring African American and Pan-African culture. A table displayed the different Kwanzaa symbols relating to the seven principles and each day Sr. Betty Adams read aloud one of the folklore stories to bring out the message of that day’s principle. Quotes from different African-Americans were placed in the dining room and the sisters used them to engage in lively conversation around the table. All were glad for the chance to participate and even said this kind of “table reading” was enjoyable!