By the sisters in Columbia, PA
On Sunday, October 28, we heard the following reading from Exodus:
Thus says the LORD:
“You shall not molest or oppress an alien,
for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt.
You shall not wrong any widow or orphan.
If ever you wrong them and they cry out to me,
I will surely hear their cry.”

Pictured are guests from Columbia and Guatemala
The story from Exodus calls us to remember those who are from other countries and welcome them. The community at De Mattias Residence/Columbia Center did that on the same day of the Reading, on Sunday, October 28.
Sister Dani Brought volunteers at Church World weekly. At times her service is to assist new arrivals here in the country and city of Lancaster and to ‘navigate’ the area — showing them where and how to use the laundry mat, the same for the bus system. Sister Joan Hornick has been assisting them with learning English. She tutors someone weekly, until the schedule interrupts their time together. It was the welcoming presence of the sisters at De Mattias, Sr. Margaret Washington from St. Anne’s, Toni who lives in Rome, Hien and Mai (from Vietnam) who were here that brought so many smiles and good wishes to our guests.

Two families weren’t able to come. We wanted them to get to know each other so the families know they are not the only ones in the same situation. While here, they shared telephone numbers and were able to know the sisters. Put together hamburgers, hotdogs, salads, chips, desserts, laughs, good people, and welcoming spirit and you have a good time!
It was a delight that can be seen in the pictures.