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Lori Benge, Vocations Director

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Lori Benge, Vocations Director

Lori is our Vocations Director and dedicates her time to helping men and women journey toward self-discovery and find a place with our ASC Family.

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Lori Benge, Vocations Director

Lori is our Vocations Director and dedicates her time to helping men and women journey toward self-discovery and find a place with our ASC Family.

Answering Your Call

This week is National Vocations Awareness Week and I’ve been talking a lot about following your call, even when it’s scary or unknown. Making decisions can nearly paralyze you with fear. What if you’re supposed to be doing something else? What if your friends and family don’t support you? What if you fail.

Fall-ing in Love with Change

Change is inevitable. We hear that all the time. In every facets of our lives, if we are going to make way for something new, something else has to change. Like the leaves, we have to stop pouring energy into parts of our lives that need to fall away.