Whereas, we Adorers of the Blood of Christ believe creation is a revelation of God, we proclaim in our Land Ethic:
As Adorers, we honor the sacredness of all creation; we cultivate a mystical consciousness that connects us to the Holy in all of life.
As women, we celebrate the rhythms of creation; with Mother Earth we live the Paschal Mystery of life, death and new life and, with others, preserve and nurture creation.
As students of Earth, we listen intently to Earth’s wisdom; we respect our interconnectedness and oneness with creation and learn what Earth needs to support life.
As prophets, we reverence Earth as a sanctuary where all life is protected; we strive to establish justice and right relationships so that all creation might thrive.
As leaders, we know our choices impact our interdependent Earth community; we initiate broad-based participation to make decisions focused on our common good.
As advocates of Earth, we choose simple lifestyles that avoid excessive or harmful use of natural resources; we work in solidarity with all creation for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
As companions with creation, we enjoy and share its bounty gently and reverently; we seek collaborators to help implement land use policies and practices that are in harmony with our bioregions and ecosystems.
As co-creators, we participate in God’s dream for Earth; we offer new visions and vistas that expand consciousness and encourage creative expression.
As ASC community, we treasure land as a gift of beauty and sustenance; we see it as a legacy for future generations.