We, the Adorers of the US Region, strive to advocate, educate and act to embody the vision and values of St. Maria de Mattias’ charism, and spirituality.
In our efforts to serve our “dear neighbor,” our beliefs are founded on Scripture and Catholic Social Teaching. Our stances respond to “the signs of the times.” Our pro-life conviction brings ‘unity in diversity’ to all of our concerns and issues. Our “adoring and redeeming” spirituality requires this more inclusive social justice position.
As women dedicated to living St. Maria De Mattias’ “beautiful order,” we strive to animate and empower ourselves and others to act with justice and compassion. In particular, we address issues that impact women and children and the earth. So, though we focus on specific issues at certain times, we confront racism, sexism and clericalism; unbridled capitalism and consumerism; extreme fundamentalism and nationalism. We promote policies to eliminate violence and oppression. We struggle to eliminate either/or thinking and endorse a both/and mind-set that is non-dualistic.
We continue on our journey of consciousness-raising and conversion of mind and heart, so that, we can witness to attitudes, behaviors and practices that allow, support or encourage systemic justice locally, nationally and globally.
Our ASC 2017 General Assembly’s Directional Statement states: “We seek to be a compassionate, reconciling presence, living in communion with the poor, the marginalized, and those who live on the periphery. With hearts attentive to the cry of the Blood, we care for our common home, and protect the life and dignity of every person.”