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7 Hopes for 2021

 Sister Sara Dwyer, ASC

As Adorers, and in the legacy of our founders St. Maria De Mattias, our primary focus has been and will always be serving our ‘dear neighbor’ with compassion, justice and truth. We see many opportunities to do so in the coming year. 

Here in the U.S., we strive to speak truth to power through our relationships with our elected leaders as well as with all people who truly seek the common good. In these important and chaotic times, we affirm the voices and votes of every person having a legitimate right to exercise such a civic responsibility. Civility allows for differences but requires respect.  We abhor words that demean, deride or denigrate a person or class of people.

Our efforts are to advocate and educate in a manner that counters intolerance of individuals or groups based on ethnicity, race, religious traditions, gender, economic or social class. We desire to affirm and support the dignity of every person and the need for civility in conversations and actions. 

Sister Sara Dwyer, ASC

We recognize in the framework of our nation an intimate partnership between neighbors: “We the People.” We affirm a deep and expansive pro-life commitment. It is all inclusive, embracing, and reverent, of all people and creation because God is the author of all life.

It may be true that our challenges as a nation are great, but we believe our commitments are greater.

In 2021, we hope to see…

  1. A more compassionate border response for all refuges and migrants; 
  2. a just and permanent process for citizenship for Dreamers and individuals in temporary protected status
  3. renewed efforts to overhaul our environmental laws and policies for sustainability
  4. a mandate for healthcare for all living in America; 
  5. expanded efforts to address racism in its many manifestations; 
  6. decisions for prison reform and an end to executions and the death penalty
  7. as well as laws that will lessen wealth inequalities.

With our advocacy, education and prayers, alongside a shift in Administrative and congressional power, hopefully, there will be renewed energies to support these changes.

Each of us individually need to denounce conversations and actions that fester lies and untruths, confronting the attitudes of white supremacy; attitudes that  ‘might makes right, guns keep us safe’ and other myths that give rise to divisions, polarization and violence.

In this steady, compassionate, courageous way, we will be given opportunities to refocus our energies on true compassion, advocacy, and care for those who need it most.

Blessings in 2021,
S. Sara Dwyer, ASC
Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation Director 
for the Adorers of the Blood of Christ

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