On Sunday, August 25, 2024, Sister Mary Clare Reineberg celebrated 70 years as an Adorer of the Blood of Christ at St. Anne’s Retirement Community in Columbia, PA. She entered the community on September 1, 1952, made her first profession on Aug. 12, 1954, and her final vows on Aug. 12, 1959. She marked her anniversary with the Eucharistic liturgy.
Sister Mary Clare was born in York, PA, one of three children in the family of Jacob and Salome Reineberg. Her family attended St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish in York. She earned her BA in Speech and English from Mount Mercy College, Pittsburgh, PA, in 1964, and her CPE certification in chaplaincy at Mercy Catholic Medical Center in Darby, PA, in 1984.
Sister Mary Clare’s service as a teacher began at St. Joseph in St. Louis, MO, and concluded at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Niles, OH. Other schools where she served as teacher and often also as organist included Immaculate Conception in East Chicago, IN; Christ the King in Kinston, NC; Assumption in Chicago, IL; St. Mary in Steelton, St. John in Enhaut, Seven Sorrows BVM in Middleton, and Bishop Neumann Consolidated/St. John in Enhaut, all in Pennsylvania.
Service to her sisters in the ASC community included being vocation director and recruiter. At St. Joseph Academy in Columbia, PA, she also served as dorm moderator, retreat coordinator and instructor of ESL students, those for whom English was a second language.
After Sister Mary Clare earned her certification as a chaplain, she ministered at St. Joseph Hospital in Lancaster, PA for 13 years before moving to the Columbia Center, Columbia, PA. Here she began Living Mission in Later Life. She currently resides at St. Anne’s Retirement Community in Columbia.