The Adorers of the Blood of Christ prayerfully and intentionally placed this cross and labyrinth in the path of a high-powered fossil fuel pipeline installed by Transco/Williams on our land in Lancaster County, PA. These symbols serve as tangible witness to our deeply held religious beliefs that “reverence the Earth as a sanctuary where all life is protected.” Today, knowing of our religious beliefs, and knowing that we are filing an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court, Transco/Williams ordered their workers to remove these sacred symbols against our will and without our permission. We call on all people of faith to join us as we continue to boldly stand in resistance against the exploitation of our land for the monetary gain of Transco/Williams. At issue is nothing less than the future of “our single Earth community.”
You intentionly.placed them in the way? It sounds like you are made a conflict inevitable.
I stand United for the protection of sacred spaces and for the protection of the Earth and future generations.