By Sr. Barbara Hudock, ASC
Just before Holy Week, we celebrated the feast of the Annunciation. LCWR Region X met during that time in Dubuque, Iowa, and it was a time of deep listening. Mary Ann Zollman, BVM led us in a reflection on consecrated life and compared it to Mary’s obedient spirit.
What struck me was the meaning of the Latin “obedire.” The literal meaning of “obedience” is to listen. And I heard again the call for us to listen deeply.
We hear God speaking to us in times of quiet, and while we watch the news in the evening. We hear God speaking to us in all of nature, in our daily routines, in each other. God speaks to us in the things that happen to us each day and we need to listen deeply for God’s movements in our lives. This is our contemplative stance. It calls us to be led by God’s Spirit into action.
During Holy Week and now in the celebration of the Resurrection, we are drawn to the fact that Jesus listened intently in his relationship with the Father and the Spirit. He was called to walk with the people of many villages to tell of God’s love. He was called to walk in God’s love to the point of death and was then able to experience the resurrection.
We are called to walk in God’s love. Let us listen and be open to where God is calling us