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Life Commitment Reflections

 Adorers of the Blood of Christ

Sister Sarah –

Seventeen people from nine different communities gathered in July at St. Mary of the Lake Seminary in Mundelein, IL. We all gathered together with one thing in common: we are preparing to make a perpetual profession within the next year. Some have dates set in the next few months while others are just starting on a journey of a year of discernment. Through our differences, we built a community with and for each other.

The first day was a chance to meet each other and settle into our home for the week. I made the pilgrimage north at my own pace. I took this time to engage in conversation with God as I drove, jam out to some of my favorite tunes, and enjoy the scenery of central and northern Illinois. I arrived at Mundelein and drove around the campus before locating where I was to check in. I then settled in and started to get acquainted with where we would be meeting. We had time to meet the other participants and have an orientation to what our week would look like. The night ended with a social and time to continue to get to know each other.

Each day we had a different topic that we covered. Topics included exploring the call to be prophetic, poverty, obedience, celibacy, and community life. Each day we were given a chance to discuss the material in both a small group and a larger group as well as take time for personal reflection. For me, this is the start of my year of discernment and the information gleaned will be the foundation as I discern perpetual profession.

Each evening, we had time to socialize with each other. We would gather and share in conversation with each other. The depth of our conversation was a gift of the week. The conversation covered many different topics and was done with respect for where each person was. Topics ranged from why some wear a habit, to women’s ordination, to sharing in our daily struggles. Many of us had experiences where COVID played a major role in not only ministry and community, but also in our formation journey. It was during these times that our community formed. We bonded over many of the same experiences and the respect we showed for different opinions.

The last day was a day of integration. I spent the day reflecting on the past nearly 10 years of discernment and formation that has brought me to this place. One day of integration is not enough and I continue to reflect on this week and integrate what was shared as I continue to discern my next steps of formation.

It was bittersweet to say goodbye the next day to my new friends and start the journey south. I once again took my time and spent the time much like I had on my way to Mundelein. A group chat was quickly established to stay in contact with everyone. I left with a new level of support from my peers. I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to participate in the Life Commitment program. The blessings of the week will continue to shine forth in my everyday life.

Sister Kristen –

We gathered
On a warm evening of July 8, 2028, we gathered.
Seventeen people gathered, 10 women and seven men religious, we gathered.
As people from across the United States (and originally from around the world), we gathered.
To come together to reflect on our personal and communal life to religious life, we gathered.

We reflected
On how we are religious are prophetic witnesses to bring the remembrance of God’s great work to life, we reflected.
On living a spirituality of downward mobility with joy and freedom, we reflected.
On recommitting to deep listening and discernment so we are truly able to hear God’s voice, we reflected.
On the healing aspect of celibacy that never gives way to discouragement, we reflected.
On finding home within community as a place where we are free to take our deepest, fullest, and least encumbered breath, we reflected.

We laughed and found joy
On a fun outing to a local ice cream shop, we laughed and found joy.
On a nightly walk seeing and being with God’s creation, including the deer, we laughed and found joy.
During evening conversations of experiences in religious life, we laughed and found joy.

During the Life Commitment program hosted by the Religious Formation Conference, we gathered, we reflected, and we laughed and found joy. Being part of the eight-day program, I was able to hear again what our call is as religious and reaffirm in myself that, yes, I feel called with joy and peace to continue to discern and journey as an Adorer towards making my final profession. Thank you for your continued support as we gather, reflect, and laugh and find joy in our lives as ASCs.

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