by Srs. Mary Alan Wurth and Marilyn Janson

Take a look at it…. Isn’t that what you might call a “perfect tomato”? It was the first one harvested this summer from the garden at Benedictine Living Community at the Shrine in Belleville, IL. It was immediately snatched up by a resident when it was put out for taking from the table with green beans, pickles, onions, lettuce, green peppers, and other fresh produce in early July. During June we took bags and bags of collard greens and other leafy vegetables to St. Vincent de Paul Outreach in East St. Louis where they daily provide food for needy people. We thank our dear Lord for letting us enjoy such rich abundance.

Rain, rain, and more rain this year has been a great benefit. Thank you, God. To help measure the amount of moisture each time, we check the newly purchased rain gauge. At times we have gotten less than an inch or like last Monday we got four inches. This not only eases the need for adding water when the soil is thirsty, it eases the strain on the weary muscles of those responsible for looking after the soil. It also helps with pulling weeds that have grown along with the other plants. The two questions most often asked by residents are “How is the garden growing?” and “How much rain did we get?” The produce and the rain gauge provide the answers. So far, the most in one day has been 6.8 inches.
Not only are we enjoying the produce and flowers by planting, weeding, watering, and watching plants growing and rain soaking the newly renovated raised beds here at BLCS, but it is a “community building” opportunity by sharing the joy of gardening. In addition, it is an interesting topic for table conversation.