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Fresh Bread

 Sister Mary Kevin Rooney, ASC

by Sr. Mary Kevin Rooney, ASC

Every month I send out FRESH BREAD, short sayings to accompany us each day. This month I added info re: the year of creation, and simple ways to address climate issues.

September 1 through October 4, the feast of St. Francis, is called the Season of Creation, five weeks to consciously receive the “every moment grace” of creation, to wonder at such a gift, to look seriously at HOW we might change our lifestyles in order to live more responsibly in our care for this gift we so freely receive each day. I invite each of us to make some practical commitment today to take care of our earth,
whether that’s eliminating plastics straws,
using water in more responsible ways,
eating whatever I put on my plate,
being conscious of our use of air conditioning and electricity,
developing an attitude of gratitude.

These are all simple, doable choices on our part as we tend to the care of creation.
One of the women who does the decorating in their worship space responded:

“Many thanks for ushering us into this Season of Creation with mindfulness and gentleness. ❤️ I hope you don’t mind I forwarded your note about this Season to our interim pastor at Hope Mennonite Church, Sara Dick, and to my friends Leslie and Brenda. This is the first year our church has observed this Season in the church year.”

This week I helped Leslie set the sanctuary for the Season, she used faded green and touches of ORANGE in floral bouquets. It’s hard to see in this picture, but a monarch butterfly has landed on the floral in front of the Christ candle.

And the story goes on and on and on, one person at a time!

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