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First Sunday of Lent

 Sister Frances Pytlik, ASC

Deuteronomy 26:4-11;  Romans 10:8-13;   Luke 4:1-13

“Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.”

Where will you be led on this First Sunday of Lent?

Deuteronomy recalls and proclaims the leading hand of God as the nation journeyed toward the Promised Land. This journey was not easy and lasted 40 years.  During this time, the Hebrews learned to become a nation trusting in God. Jesus is led by the same Spirit into the desert, where he spent 40 days in prayer and fasting.   This time of prayer and fasting strengthens Jesus for the challenges ahead.  

The words of St. Paul do not seem to connect with these two other readings at first. After more reflection, the quote, “the word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” challenges me to take time to listen to the Spirit’s voice as it echoes in my heart, to find those quiet moments to truly listen to where the Spirit is leading me.

As we begin these 40 days are we willing to take the first step to enter those quiet moments and listen with a heart willing to let the Spirit lead us?

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