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Among the recipients of awards this year was Sr. Therese Wetta, who received the Thomasine Stoecklein, ASC Spirit Award. This award recognizes those who go over and above in demonstrating their commitment to Newman and its students. … See MoreSee Less

Sister Therese Honored at Newman Banquet – Adorers of the Blood of Christ
by Sr. Fran Schumer, ASC February is celebrated as Heritage Month at Newman University because it contains the celebration of the University’s two patrons – Maria De Mattias on February 4 and John…
“Whoever keeps and teaches the law will be called great” Matthew 3:17-19
To read the entire reflection, visit
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May we listen and respond with hope to the calling of our dear neighbor.
#adorersus #ascfamily #Lent2025 #annunciation #annunciation2025 #Solemnity
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"Our news lately has been upsetting, and unsettling to say the least! Brothers and Sisters being treated like political pawns; people with money relegating and ‘gutting’ offices that were set up to serve and protect the most vulnerable here and abroad, and Congress being ignored." – Sister Mary Shaw … See MoreSee Less

The Image of God: Imago Dei – Adorers of the Blood of Christ
by Sr. Mary Shaw, ASC Our news lately has been upsetting, and unsettling to say the least! Brothers and Sisters being treated like political pawns; people with money relegating and ‘gutting’ offic…0 CommentsComment on Facebook
Pray with the ASC Family during Lent, the entire reflection is available on our website.
#lentreflections #lent #Lent2025 #adorersus #ascfamily…/stories-prayers-and-reflections/
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