Sister Mildred Gross and Sr. Leona Leutefeld preparing a cookie tray for the party
By Sr. Anne Irose, ASC
“Maria’s Legacy” shouted the first winner of the specially designed bingo in honor of the birth and baptism of MDM. This novel game of historical persons, dates, places, and events was created by Sr. Mary Alan Wurth. The “prize” of each Legacy was an invitation to share something more about the date, person, or event last called. It was a wonderful way to sharpen our historical wits and to share our knowledge together to complete the history.
We ASC’s of the BLCS in Belleville felt that the richness of this novel game was a deeper and broader understanding of our Congregational history and that we all added to our historical knowledge as we helped each other win the prize.

Sisters playing Maria’s Legacy. Srs Rose Anthony Mattews; Janet Marie Will Heiman, Martha Wachtel; Rachel Lawler
The festive evening began with a beautiful, shared prayer created by Sr. Janet Sue Smith. We ended with a pizza meal with a special spinach salad by Sr. Olivia Woltering and cookies and pie contributed by Sr. Mildred Gross.
Photos by Sr. Mary Alan Wurth