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Being Present With my Sisters

 Adorers of the Blood of Christ

by Sr. Joan Hornick, ASC

The writing of this reflection began on November 25, 2024

As I sit and be present with Sr. Colette Tenley, I can’t help but think of the mystery of life. At one time, she was an administrator of a hospital and teaching nurses how to be a good nurse. Now she lies motionless; only her breathing is evidence of movement.

I also realize that soon we will be celebrating the perpetual vows of Sr. Kristen Forgotch.

In recent years I’ve had the opportunity to be present to those who are starting religious life and those who are now ending their journey in life.

“I promise to my sisters to share in the life and mission of this community in the Church….” as we say in the vow formula.

Sitting with our sister is putting flesh on these words. It’s the living out, the daily choices we make that bring the words and commitment alive.

As coordinator in Columbia, I have asked sisters to be present with Colette as she moves closer to the passing from this life to the next. Everyone was most generous with their time and said yes. The first few days each of the sisters from personal care made it over to the other section of St. Anne’s Retirement Community to the skilled area. It is a walk that one could use to count the steps for one’s measured goal of steps for the day.

Seeing Sr. Mary Clare (who identifies herself as “I can’t see”) make the journey to pray the rosary beside Colette, touches my heart. Sister Therese Marie, also skilled, had someone push her in the wheelchair to be with her, as well as Srs. Jean Marie and Kathleen. Sister Helene takes her turn sitting with Colette as well as her cherished friend Margaret, who waits and is present as well as Dani, Anne Marie, Linda, Leona, George Ann, and Kristen who was visiting at the time.

Being here, I also have been given the grace to see some of the workers come to be with Colette. One told me she starts each day with a pause with Sr. Colette to say a prayer together. At one point, Sr. Colette was very restless, and the staff continued to do whatever was necessary to bring some peace to her. Drugs will do that and with the approval of them, Colette now is resting peacefully. And with every state of life there are stages of dying, and one leads to the next.

It is a journey. I was able to see a movie recently and one of the lines (based on my memory-not a direct quote) “one has to have doubt in order to have faith and with faith there is mystery.”

Since writing this reflection, Sr. Colette died. She lives on with all the communion of saints, members of her family, her community… and she lives on in us as we use her characteristics to become the compassionate presence the world needs.

Thank you, Colette, for the gift of yourself.

And now, since starting this reflection, Kristen made her final vow commitment. It’s all connected. In a few days, I go to Rome to assist with the women entering our congregation.

I know I go with the love and support of the U.S. region sisters. I have received notes, prayers, calls, encouraging words—thank you. And I know I go with the great cloud of witnesses that have gone before us—and there are many of them who I don’t even know their names.

I know I will be received by the general team—Maria, Wieslawa, Daniela, Florida, Patricia, Monica, and Barbara. I’m sure Mariamma will be happy to receive me as well as Martha Joseph, the assistant novice director, when I am the novice director. And of course, God the faithful Presence is always with me. I hold you in my heart and prayer and thank you for doing the same. It’s a great life we are given.


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