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118 Years of Caring for our Dear Neighbor

 Sister Angela Laquet, ASC

by Sr. Angela Laquet, ASC

In 1906, a request had come to the former Ruma Province requesting sisters to help staff a hospital in Taylorville, IL, but they did not have enough sisters to staff it. In August of 1906, a small group of Adorers arrived in Taylorville from Croatia, to establish St. Vincent’s Hospital. These Adorers didn’t speak English, nor did they have nurse’s training, but discovered their gifts of caring for the elderly with “on the job training.”

By 1907, the Ruma Adorers had enough sisters to send, so they took over running the hospital, while the sisters from Croatia moved to Alton, IL. They set up another facility to care for the elderly and continued that mission when they moved to Columbia, PA in 1925. St. Anne’s Retirement Community is the legacy of our sisters in their history for elder care.

Saint Vincent Hospital collaborated with Memorial Health System in the 1990’s and celebrated 100 years of service in 2006. In 2007, the Adorers discontinued our sponsorship of the hospital, but five Adorers continued to serve at the hospital under a different name, Taylorville Memorial Hospital.  Sister Rose McKeown was the last member of the Adorers serving there.

On January 15, 2025, 13 Adorers joined Sr. Rose McKeown at a reception in honor of her retirement held at Taylorville Memorial Hospital. Not only was Sr. Rose’s 20 years of service celebrated, but the 118 years of Adorers presence was remembered. At least 100 people turned out to thank Sr. Rose and the Adorers for their ministry, care, and presence over all these years. The guests were not just among the staff of the hospital, but the retired staff and members of the greater civic community also came to express their appreciation. All the ASCs enjoyed their visits with other attendees and enjoyed the wonderful hospitality of everyone. It was truly a celebration to remember!

We give thanks for all 100+ ASCs who ministered at the hospital over the past 118 years and are grateful that our ministry of healthcare for the people in the Taylorville area continues. The people are in good hands.

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