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The Hope of Spring

 Adorers of the Blood of Christ1 Comment

By Sister Janis Yaekel, ASC

I am Sister Janis Yaekel, ASC and I have pancreatic cancer. In fact, I have lived with cancer since 2012. I hope to share in my blog my journey and my reflections on the presence of God in my life. It is my hope that those who read my entries will find strength for their own journeys.

As I look out the window this morning, I am delighted to see a bluebird jumping into the nesting box. It is always a pleasure to see them fly by and flash that brilliant blue. We were concerned that the raccoons might have disturbed their nesting, but that does not seem to be the case.

Right now, there is a goldfinch eating at the feeder. He has turned to his brilliant summer yellow coat from his winter olive green color. When I was growing up, we called them wild canaries as they flew from one seed-bearing plant to another.

In recent weeks, my sister-in-law Kathy’s sister died after fighting a 16-year battle with cancer. What a courageous soul Rose was as she went year after year trying to stay ahead of the disease. Most difficult was to see her mother trying to deal with the loss of her youngest child. I pray for all who grieve the loss of a child to this dread disease.

My own journey continues.

Late last month, I was able to have chemo because my platelet count jumped up. I was surprised because they normally do not come back so quickly. In fact, we had been thinking that I would have to try a different chemo if my platelet count had not risen. I was not looking forward to that possibility because the chemo I take now does not have real adverse side effects. I could not be sure what the different chemo would be like.

As I look out at all the lush green growth of spring turning to summer, I am reminded of hope. Just a couple of months ago the landscape was stark and frozen and now everything is alive. This kind of hope keeps me going. It is the hope that I wish for all who fight the battle with cancer and all those who walk along with the sick.

Read more about Janis’s journey with cancer >>

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