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Hummers, Autumn, Caregivers and the Divine

 Adorers of the Blood of Christ2 Comments

By Sr. Janis Yaekel ASC

I am Sister Janis Yaekel, ASC and I have pancreatic cancer. In fact, I have lived with cancer since 2012. I hope to share in my blog my journey and my reflections on the presence of God in my life. It is my hope that those who read my entries will find strength for their own journeys. 


Last week, I had a rough first few days but by Thursday, I was feeling stronger than I had in some time. Of course, this happened just in time for me to have my next chemo treatment.

I was fortunate to be able to see Ashley, the nurse practitioner, before the chemo.  I had lots of questions about blood clots, fatigue and dehydration. She was super and spent a good amount of time going over everything with me.  We decided I would have a prescription for IV fluids at the convent infirmary for those times when I get dehydrated.  I do think a lot of my fatigue and weakness revolve around a lack of fluids so I feel more secure having a “go to” treatment if needed.

It is great to see cancer caregivers as compassionate, caring friends who take time to listen. I am sure my questions sometimes might seem rather dumb, but Dr. Tan, Ashley and Karen always treat them as important. I am blessed.  Hopefully, most of us on the cancer journey have people on our team that offer us the same care.

Between chemo treatments and doctor’s visits I am trying to prepare to give a retreat the first week of October on “Tasting the Divine, Breathing Outrageous Hope.”  How’s that for a mouthful?

The retreat will be about finding the mystic within and sharing the God we have come to know at the center of our being with the world around us. Someone suggested I cancel the retreat as I will have completed chemo three days before the retreat begins, but I really want to share my insights with the folks who have been planning on this retreat for months. I also experience a certain energy with presenting a program. It’s as if the God that I am speaking about is setting off internal sparks of joy inside of me and so offering a retreat is as much about receiving as it is giving.

I have a nice collection of books to help in my preparation, and, as you can see by the picture, my secretary, Grace, has a question about which book I want next.

Several blogs ago, I wrote about the hummingbird and this same kitten.  At the time, and through all of the summer, we have only had a couple of hummers at the feeder,  but the kitten is going crazy now because we have had an influx of hummers that are traveling from the north and stopping for a meal.

Yesterday I counted seven of them and poor Gracie can’t reach any of them. The movement of the hummingbirds is just another sign that autumn is at our doorstep.  This is my favorite time of the year.

Read other entries from Sr. Janis on her journey with cancer.



2 thoughts on “Hummers, Autumn, Caregivers and the Divine”

  1. Avatar

    You are such a inspiration , may God keep you close as you journey onward…
    Love and prayers…

    Hope you got a chance to read The hardest peace…
    I am so blessed, and may we continue to receive His blessings…..

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